"We shall be like Him." 1 John 3:2
LIKE whom? Like Jesus in His glorified humanity. As free from sin, as perfect in holiness, as completely happy. His likeness will appear in every Believer. What a contrast with the present! Now we appear to ourselves, at times, as like Satan as possible. O the depth of depravity we discover, the powerful corruptions we feel, the fearful opposition to God we sometimes experience! But we shall be like Him. God has purposed it, the Gospel plainly reveals it, and the Holy Spirit is engaged to effect it. Every evil shall be purged out, every virtue shall be produced and perfected, and we shall be pure as He is pure. Let us then look forward to, and anticipate that glorious period: let us consider the end of our election, redemption, and calling; and let us pray, pant, and strive to be holy. If holiness is our element, heaven will be our home, and unspeakable happiness our eternal portion. But we know not what we shall be, only that we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him.
O when shall I, like Jesus, be
In soul and body clean?
The true, eternal Sabbath see,
A perfect rest from sin?
The great salvation I shall know,
And perfect liberty;
And free from all my chains below,
My soul ascend to Thee.