Daily Devotionals
Our Daily Homily - Volume 2
Devotional: September 11th

Psalms 143:2—In Thy sight shall no man living be justified.

This is an admission which each must make for himself. Man by nature is very willing to justify himself The essence of the Pharisees’ sin consisted in justifying themselves in the sight of men. But God knows our hearts, and that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. We need to have a deeper sense of God’s holiness, and of his requirements as set forth in his holy law. We need more particular preaching and teaching. I was interested recently to hear of one who said she did not want to know of God because she did not want to know her own sinfulness. If men did know God, they would be compelled to admit their inability to be just with Him. It is our duty to force the knowledge of God on the unwilling con. science of men.

But probably what we all need as preachers and teachers is to get a glimpse of God’s nature, to know what holiness is, and purity, and righteousness, as they exist in the Divine nature. We do not know the sinfulness of sin, and cannot enforce it, because we have not come in contact with the burning bliss of the Great White Throne.

We are justified by faith. Directly we are joined to Christ, we stand before the law of God clothed in his righteousness, and accepted not only as forgiven sinners, but as righteous. We know that God will never enter into judgment with us, since we were judged in our Substitute. There will be a judgment of our works, but there can be no condemnation of our persons. It is God that justifies. Who shall condemn? The Master said that the publican who only cried with downcast eyes, "God be propitiated to me, the sinner," went down to his house justified.