Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: October 29th

James 1:13-27

In vv. 2, 52 the word temptation means a testing from outside, which God allows for our good and ultimately our joy. In v. 13 being tempted has a different meaning: it implies evil. We are led away by our wicked desires inside. How could God be the cause of that? Nothing of darkness can come down from the "Father of lights" (cf. 1 John 1:5). He who sent us His own Son gives us "every perfect gift" with Him (Romans 8:32). The source of wickedness is in us: evil thoughts, the offspring of which are evil words and evil actions. But it is not enough just to be aware of this. Otherwise we are like someone who sees his dirty face in a mirror but does not go and wash. The Word of God is this mirror. It shows man what he is; it teaches him to do good (James 4:17) – but it cannot do it for him.

What comprises "pure religion" as recognised by God the Father? Not the empty ceremonies which men call "religion". It arises from the twofold condition in which the Lord has left His people: in the world – to show His love; not of the world – to keep us pure of its influence (v. 27; John 17:11; John 17:14; John 17:16).