Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: July 15th

Zechariah 6:1-15

The eighth and final vision reminds us of the first (Zechariah 1:1-21), with this difference that here the horses are harnessed to chariots (the four empires) coming out from the mountains of brass (representing the stable government of God). In the image of these vigorous horses we can identify Rome seeking to extend its domination over the whole of the earth (and God makes use of it to ensure that the gospel is preached to the entire habited world).

Vv. 9-15 present three travellers from Babylon to help their brethren by gifts and encouragement. The names of these men are significant: Heldai: enduring (afterwards called Helem, i.e. strength); Tobiah: the LORD is good; Jedaiah: the LORD knows. These three men are received by Josiah: the LORD upholds, called in v. 14 Hen (i.e. grace). But the central figure is Joshua, alternative form of Jesus, the Saviour God, of whom he is here the type, for he combines in his person both priesthood and kingship. In the day of His glory the Lord will give to His own that which by pure grace they have prepared for Him (Luke 19:24-26). These crowns, which all come back to Him (v. 11), He will award to those humble and faithful souls who have honoured Him in the time when He was despised (v. 14). Will you be one of them, so as to be able to cast your crown at His feet? (Revelation 4:10).