Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: July 10th

Zechariah 1:1-17

Zechariah, together with Haggai, is the spokesman of the LORD to the children of Judah who have come back from the captivity (Ezra 5:1). What are the first words which the LORD addresses to the people through His servant? "Turn ye unto me . . ." It is necessary first to repent (Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17; Acts 2:38). The promise only comes after this: "and I will turn unto you" (v. 3).

The fathers are dead, and with them the prophets such as Jeremiah, who had faithfully warned them. But the divine words have not passed away, no indeed; they have been fulfilled without fail (Matthew 24:35). The evil ways and the bad deeds of Judah have received their punishment – witness the carrying away into captivity at Babylon (v. 12 end). If only this cruel lesson might profit the generations to follow!

From v. 7 up to ch. 6 the prophet records a succession of strange visions. Their main theme is the government of God by means of the nations (the rider and the horses), and in the background the re-establishment of Israel (the myrtle trees, a reference to the feast of tabernacles and a figure of the restoration which follows repentance). For in the time of trial and weakness God has always had for His people "good words, and comfortable words" (v. 13). They are as sure and unshakeable as those words which announce His judgments.