Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 5 of 5
Devotional: February 11th

Psalms 126:1-6; ; Psalms 127:1-5

Just like someone waking up after a terrible nightmare, the faithful are at first unable to realise their sudden deliverance. But soon the air reverberates to the joyous shouts of the people who with one accord declare, "The LORD hath done great things for them" (v. 2; Psalms 14:7). Their tears have, so to speak, watered the fields of a bountiful harvest (v. 5). Such was the ministry of the Lord Jesus down here (v. 6). He tearfully followed the path which led to the cross. "But if it die", says John 12:24, "it bringeth forth much fruit." He shall appear triumphant, bearing the fruit of the travail of His soul: His redeemed, like precious sheaves of corn held close to His heart.

Psalms 127:1-5 reminds us that anything we do which does not have the Lord’s approval is bound to fail. The thing may seem good and warrant spending a great deal of time and trouble on, but if He has not been involved in it then it will lead to nothing (cf. John 15:5). The peaceful and confident activity of the Christian, followed by restful sleep, contrasts with the feverish and ambitious activity of the man of the world (Ecclesiastes 2:23). As for you young people who are thinking about "setting up home", marriage is too serious a matter for you to deal with by yourself. Let the Lord guide you.