Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: June 12th

Luke 18:18-34

In the presence of this ruler of the people, endowed seemingly with the most noble qualities, anyone other than the Lord Jesus would surely have said, "Here is someone who will honour me, a good disciple worth trying to keep". But it is on the heart that God looks (1 Samuel 16:7) and the Lord is going to search out this man’s heart.

"What shall I do?" was his question. On this level, the Lord Jesus can only remind him of the law. But why would he have stolen? He was rich. Why would he have killed or borne false witness? He had a reputation to protect. Why fail to honour his parents who had left him such a good inheritance? In reality he transgresses the first Commandment, since his god is his wealth (Exodus 20:3). The sadness of this man, who humanly speaking possessed all he needed to be happy – prospects, an immense fortune, and youth to enjoy it, proves to those who envy such advantages that none of these things can give happiness. On the contrary, if the heart hankers after them, they become snares to following the Lord Jesus and to possessing eternal life. The Lord Jesus was going to accomplish the work which would give us life. In vv. 32, 33 we must meditate on every phrase, saying to ourselves, "Jesus suffered this for me".