Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: April 24th

Luke 1:1-17

The Gospel according to Luk is the Gospel which, so to speak, brings the Lord Jesus closest to us. He lets us admire the Lord especially in His perfect humanity. God chose Luk, the beloved physician and Paul’s faithful companion to the end (Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11), to bring us this revelation. It is presented to us in the form of an account to Theophilus (friend of God).

The subject leads the evangelist to describe with particular care how the Lord Jesus took upon Himself our humanity and how He made his entrance into this world. He could indeed have arrived down here as an adult. But He wanted to live entirely like us from birth to death, glorifying God as He did so.

The account begins by showing us Zacharias, a godly priest, as he carries out his duties in the temple. While he is officiating in this solemn place, he is suddenly gripped with fear, when he realises he is no longer alone. An angel is standing beside the altar of incense, the bearer of a divine message: a son is to be given to Zacharias and Elisabeth. He is to be set apart for God from birth, and will be a great prophet, responsible for preparing Israel for the coming of their Messiah (cf. v. 17; Malachi 4:5-6).