Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: April 18th

Proverbs 12:1-16

The righteous man is now considered in his family life: his wife (v. 4), his house (v. 7), his servant (v. 9), his beast (v. 10), and his work (v. 11 . . .). Where is the faithfulness of the believer to be shown, if not at first in his family relationships and in his everyday work?

We must not confound the teaching of Wisdom with what the world calls morality. This is the sum total of rules of good behaviour which men have made for their own benefit; they are often expressed, moreover, in the form of maxims. Some of them have been borrowed from Christianity; others are inspired by common sense or experience of everyday life. But human morality does not bring God into it. Here, however, we have divine principles, given to us by God. ; James 3:15 distinguishes the wisdom from above from that of the world, this latter being earthly, sensual and devilish. This worldly wisdom, for example, made Peter speak as he did in Matthew 16:22, obliging the Lord to call him "Satan".

V. 15 shows us that man is incapable of forming his own judgment as to whether his way is right or wrong. The world is full of these foolish people who live by human morality, rather than listening to the counsel of God.