Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: November 4th

2 Chronicles 32:1-15

It had to come: "these things, and the establishment thereof (or this faithfulness)" which were pleasing to God, were in contrast unbearable for the great Enemy. They caused him to rise up against Israel and against their king.

The joy which we can experience in the Lord should not make us forget the existence of this adversary who prowls around us like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). So Satan goes on to the offensive. He sets against Jerusalem the powerful king of Assyria, who starts by giving the people a threatening and treacherous message: "Hezekiah" – he tells them – "is leading you to die of famine and thirst" (v. 11). An absolute lie! Were the rooms of the sanctuary not furnished with heaps of provisions, put in reserve at the time of plenty (2 Chronicles 31:10-11)? And, thanks to the aqueduct which the king had just built (cf. v. 4 and 2 Kings 18:17; 2 Kings 20:20), fresh water was flowing within the city.

The Liar still speaks in this way today. To listen to him, keeping close to the Lord Jesus means letting oneself in for shortages and deprivation. However, we know that it is completely the opposite! Christ is the bread of life (John 6:48; John 6:51) and He is the source of living water (John 7:37), whereas outside of Him, thirst reigns (v. 4).