Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: March 1st

1 Samuel 14:1-10

In ch. 13 we considered what the flesh can, or rather cannot do: wait for the moment of God’s choosing. In contrast, today’s chapter shows us what faith is able to accomplish. Human resources are all on Saul’s side. Officially the power in Israel is there under the pomegranate tree in Gibeah. But faith, a personal faith, is on the side of Jonathan and his companion. For them, help comes from God, known to them as Saviour (v. 6). This is a twofold picture which makes us think of Christendom today. The great hierarchies, which call themselves Christian, pretend they alone hold spiritual authority and consider themselves as essential mediators between God and men’s souls. But the Lord knows them that are His and gives them at the same time His support, the knowledge of His mind and the enjoyment of His presence, all without those organizations controlled by men. Humanly speaking Jonathan’s expedition was a foolish venture. The Philistines were occupying the strategic places in great strength. Jonathan counts on God, waiting for Him to give him a sign to go forward. Once again what a contrast between his own father as we saw him previously, and what a good example for us!