Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: September 22nd

Numbers 34:1-29

After having looked backward with Israel, the LORD invites them to cast their eyes forward on the destination of their long journey. Some people are incessantly occupied with the past. They regret this or that, or else they boast of what they have done. That which must occupy the believer is what God has done. In his heart he can find a thousand replies to Balaam’s question, "What hath God wrought?" But at the same time he looks before him, in the direction of his homeland. The boundaries of the inheritance were drawn for Israel by the same divine Hand that had directed their journey.

For us children of God, it is the Father’s house that has been prepared for us. The Lord leaves us in no doubt on this subject. If it were not so, He would have told us. There are many mansions in His Father’s house, to which He has gone to prepare a place for us (John 14:2).

To Israel the LORD only indicates the outline, the limits of their country. The Christian, on his part, knows hardly any more of his heavenly country. The Bible does not describe heaven to us. But what we do know about it is sufficient for us. It is the Father’s house, our Father’s house. The Lord Jesus is there and we shall for ever be there with Him.