Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Devotional: April 26th

John 6:61

‘Doth this offend you?’

Read John 6:48-65

No man can faithfully preach the gospel of Christ without offending men. To many it is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. The preaching of the cross is the one means which God has ordained for the salvation of sinners. Yet, it is most offensive to the natural man. Why? The answer is not hard to find.

The gospel of the grace of God offends man’s dignity, because it addresses all men as sinners. The gospel leaves no place for human dignity. It is the great leveler of men. All are sinners. We all by nature are nothing more than helpless, condemned sinners.

The gospel of God offends man’s wisdom, because it comes by divine revelation. It is not possible for any man to know the gospel, unless it is revealed in his heart.

The gospel offends man’s pride, because it declares a particular and effectual redemption. Our Lord Jesus did actually put away sin. By his mighty act of death, as our Substitute, Jesus Christ did really and completely accomplish eternal redemption for his people. There is nothing for the sinner to do, whereby he might proudly claim merit before God. You must bow to Christ, receiving all grace from him as a pure, free gift, or you must perish.

An the gospel of God’s grace and glory in Christ offends man’s love of self, because it demands discipleship. The gospel demands commitment. It demands total, unreserved surrender to the lordship of Christ. No man has saving faith in Christ who does not in his heart confess and acknowledge that Christ is Lord, submitting to his will, surrendering to his dominion, and trusting his grace. If Jesus Christ is not your Lord and King, he is not your Redeemer and Savior.

To many the gospel is offensive. That cannot be changed. As surely as you attempt to make it pleasing to natural men, you will compromise its message and there will be no gospel in it. But to them who are the called by almighty grace, it is the power and wisdom of God.