Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
Devotional: May 31st

"'All things are lawful for me'? Yes, but not all are good for me '" (v. 12, Moffatt)

For Reading and Meditation:
     1 Corinthians 6:12-20

We are still focusing on this important thought that our attitudes play an important and determinative part in our physical health. One doctor told me that immediately he receives the current edition of Every Day with Jesus, he quickly scans it to see if I have written anything along the line of the relationship between attitudes and health - a favourite topic of mine - and then orders a small supply for those of his patients who need to have their attitudes changed. He wrote to me on one occasion and said: "Keep coming back to this subject every time you can - you just don't know how much good you are doing in my medical practice." According to an article in the British Medical Journal, "there is not a tissue or an organ in the body that is not influenced by the attitude of mind and spirit". Man is a unit made up of spirit, soul and body, and he cannot be sick in one part without passing on the sickness to other parts. The attitudes we hold in our minds do not stay merely as attitudes - they pass over into definite physical effects. God has so designed our beings that the right attitudes produce the right effects in our bodies. Suppose they produced the wrong effects. Then the body and morality would be alien to one another. An outstanding surgeon said: "I've discovered the kingdom of God at the end of my scalpel; it's in the tissues. The right thing morally is always the right thing physically." The laws of morality and the laws of health are written by the same God for the same purpose - healthy and happy living.

O Father, You have made us so that we can either damage or deliver ourselves in this matter of health. Help me to have Your attitudes in everything I say and everything I do. For Your own dear Name's sake. Amen.

Questions to Consider
Meet the Author
Every Day Light is a Christian daily devotional written by Selwyn Hughes, a Welsh Christian minister and founder of the Christian ministry Crusade for World Revival (CWR). Dr. Hughes passed away in 2006 but his devotional and ministry continues on providing deep insight into God's Word every day.