Daily Devotionals
Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life
Devotional: January 31st

One of the items that I keep handy on my desk is a tape measure. It's a small one. It only measures about two inches square and is barely a half inch thick. Yet this diminutive Stanley PowerLock will measure distances up to ten feet which makes it indispensible as an aid for me in my office. Most of the measuring I do in my office is to see if a bookcase or other piece of furniture might fit in a certain area.

This very day I will be using my sleek little steel encased beauty to rearrange my bookcases so I can get a little more room for books in my office space. Since our move there are books that are still in their boxes due to lack of wall space in my office for more bookcases. Since books are very difficult to read while they remain in boxes I feel that this is a wise move on my part. My tape measure will be my tool for determining just how much extra room I can recover from my current layout.

There is also another measuring device lying on my desk. I keep it there so that it is handy to me. With it I am able to measure the length and depth and breadth of the love of God. I am also able to use it to measure the amount of faith I possess in relationship to the amount of love I have received from God. It even gives me a measurement of the amount of love I have for God as a result of my faith. But this measuring device is very versatile.

It doubles as an instruction book, mirror, map, history, guide and file cabinet. Sadly, many have this very same tool and never use it except on the odd day that they are told to and happen to actually have it with them. It is the Bible. It gets left behind more than any ball glove, sandwedge, athletic tape, pop cooler or water bottle that most athletes have. On the average, it is read less than the ingredients on a bottle of pop. More people claim to know its truths and believe them than have actually read them.

But it is the primary source of knowledge concerning the things of God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and if profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16 There is a disclaimer. This passage only works if you read the Bible, and you can measure your reading with a clock.