Title (of Psalms 98:0 ). A Psalm. Hebrew. mizmor. App-65 .
O sing. Another summons to sing the New Song; but this time it is for what Jehovah has done for Israel. right hand . . . arm. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia. App-6 .
heathen = nations.
holy. See note on Exodus 3:5 .
mercy = lovingkindness, or grace.
God. Hebrew. Elohim.
sing praise. Figure of speech Anadiplosis , for emphasis. See note on "psalm", Psalms 98:5 .
a psalm = sing praise (Hebrew. zimrah) , at end of Psalms 98:4 and Psalms 98:5 , by Figure of speech Anadiplosis. App-6 .
before. See note on "presence" (Psalms 95:2 ).
The world: i.e. as inhabited. Hebrew. tebel,
floods = rivers.
clap. Figure of speech Prosopopoeia. App-6 .
people = peoples.
Verse 1
Title (of Psalms 98:0 ). A Psalm. Hebrew. mizmor. App-65 .
O sing. Another summons to sing the New Song; but this time it is for what Jehovah has done for Israel. right hand . . . arm. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia. App-6 .
Verse 2
heathen = nations.
holy. See note on Exodus 3:5 .
Verse 3
mercy = lovingkindness, or grace.
God. Hebrew. Elohim.
Verse 4
sing praise. Figure of speech Anadiplosis , for emphasis. See note on "psalm", Psalms 98:5 .
Verse 5
a psalm = sing praise (Hebrew. zimrah) , at end of Psalms 98:4 and Psalms 98:5 , by Figure of speech Anadiplosis. App-6 .
Verse 6
before. See note on "presence" (Psalms 95:2 ).
Verse 7
The world: i.e. as inhabited. Hebrew. tebel,
Verse 8
floods = rivers.
clap. Figure of speech Prosopopoeia. App-6 .
Verse 9
people = peoples.