Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Psalms 89

Garner-Howes Baptist CommentaryGarner-Howes

Verses 1-18

Psalms 89

The Covenant Psalm

This 89th Psalm is the last of the third book of Psalms, corresponding with Leviticus of the Pentateuch. It reviews, reassures, that the covenant God will restore and use His fallen, backslidden people, when they seek cleansing from defilement and a separated walk with Him in spiritual service. There is a place for daily cleansing, Luke 18:1.

The Covenant of God Described

Scripture v. 1-18:

Verse 1 expressed Israel’s resolve, "to sing of the mercies of the Lord forever," as expressed v. 49; Isaiah 55:3; and to "make known with her mouth his faithfulness to all generations," because she is con­vinced they will stand the test, as further expressed v. 2, 5, 8, 24, 33.

Verse 2 adds "for I have said mercy shall be built up for ever; Thy faithfulness shaft thou establish in the very heavens," like a build­ing built up to completion, in contrast to one unfinished and decaying in the ravages of the weather. Such mercy and faithfulness would cause Israel, like the heavens, to be eternal. v. 36, 37; Psalms 72:5; Psalms 119:89.

Verse 3 relates God’s covenant, "I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant," as declared 2 Samuel 7:12-16; 2 Samuel 7:19; 2 Samuel 7:24-25; 2 Samuel 7:29; It is the central axis on which this Psalm turns, Psalms 132:11; Ezekiel 34:23; Hosea 3:5.

Verse 4 continues "thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up my throne to all generations. Selah," meditate and digest and draw spiritual strength from this, 2 Samuel 7; 2 Samuel 13; Isaiah 44:5; Luke 1:32; Hebrews 2:13.

Verse 5 declares that the heavens should praise the wonders of the Lord and His faithfulness (in keeping His covenant), even "the congregation of the saints" of Israel’s organized public worship, and the unfallen angels, Psalms 29:1-2; Deuteronomy 33:2; Acts 7:53; John 4:24.

Verse 6 Inquires "for who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto (or compared with) the Lord?" Can any unfallen angel or any among the redeemed? The inferred conclusion is "none," as too related, Revelation 5:2-10; See also Psalms 40:5; Psalms 71:19; Psalms 86:8; Psalms 113:5.

Verse 7 asserts that God (El of mighty power) is "greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him," of all unfallen angels who serve Him, and the redeemed in an orderly, organized manner, Hebrews 1:14; Psalms 34:7; See Ephesians 3:10; 1 Peter 1:12; Psalms 76:11.

Verse 8 asks, just who is (exists) so strong as or to be compared with the Lord God of hosts (marshaled hosts of angels)? Or who is to be compared with His fidelity in promise keeping? round about? like a tight-fitting girdle, v. 6, 7; Psalms 65:7.

Verse 9 declares "thou rulest (control continually) the raging of the sea; (the gentile masses) when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest (quietest) them, Job 38:11; Psalms 93:3; Psalms 107:25; Nahum 1:4; Matthew 8:26; Matthew 14:32; Mark 4:39; Daniel 7:2-3; Isaiah 14:19.

Verse 10 adds "thou hast broken Rahab (Egypt) in pieces, as one that is slain; Thou hast scattered (dispersed) thine enemies with thy strong arm," as repeatedly certified, Psalms 87:4; Isaiah 30:7; Isaiah 51:9; Psalms 88:5.

Verses 11, 12 certify that the heavens and the earth and the fullness of the world belong to the mighty covenant-keeping God; Verse 12 explains that the same Lord created the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon also would and should rejoice, in the name and honor of Israel’s God, from east to west of the Jordan, Psalms 42:6; See also Joshua 19:22; Judges 4:6; Joshua 13:1.

Verses 13, 14 assert that God has a strong, high, and mighty right hand and arm; and justice and judgment are the established principles of His throne rule. For mercy and truth shall always go before, be held up before His face, for His approval, Psalms 85:13; See also Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalms 97:2; Jeremiah 12:1.

Verses 15, 16 declare that spiritually prosperous (blessed) are the people who recognize the "joyful sound," for they shall walk in the light or good pleasure of the countenance of the Lord, as expressed Numbers 10:10; Numbers 23:21. They were those who attended Israel’s feast days and the annual atonement, at the call of the trumpet, Leviticus 23:24; Leviticus 25:8-10; 2 Samuel 6:15; Psalms 98:6; Psalms 27:6. In the name of the Lord exalted on His right hand, resting in his favor and righteousness, one is to rejoice all the day long, Psalms 27:6; Philippians 4:4.

Verses 17, 18 conclude that the covenant-keeping God is one’s only source of glory and strength and in his favor only may one be exalted, Jeremiah 9:23-24; 1 Corinthians 1:31; Galatians 6:14.
Verse 18 affirms "the Lord is (exists as) our defense, and the Holy one of Israel is our king,: He is our Supreme ruler, before whom we His servants obediently bow down, Luke 18:14. See also Psalms 75:10; Psalms 92:10; Psalms 132:17; Isaiah 1:4; Isaiah 12:6; Isaiah 29:19; Hosea 1:10.

Verses 19-37

God Will Keep His Covenant

Scripture v. 19-37:

Verse 19 relates that God spoke to David as His "Holy one," or sanctified one, whom He revealed thru Nathan, as the seed thru whom He would preserve His people Israel forever; Though He would chasten them for their disobedience, He covenanted never to abandon them forever, 2 Samuel 7:10-16. God had laid help on a mighty one whom He had exalted out of the people of Israel, 2 Samuel 17:10; 1 Kings 11:34. In David, the Christ-seed, one was to be born, and was, Isaiah 9:6; He was out of Israel of the tribe of Judah, as promised, Genesis 49:10; Psalms 89:27-39; Matthew 1:11; Romans 1:3.

Verses 20, 21 restate "I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: With whom my hand shall be established (in rule); Mine arm also shall strengthen (sustain, support, or defend him), as certified v. 3; 1 Samuel 16:1; 1 Samuel 16:12. God provides for every man’s redemption before He calls and obligates every man to choose to accept or reject it. Anointing indicates an appointment to Divine service, a type of the reception of the Holy Spirit by every believer, and the empowering of the church for her work, once for all, John 14:16-17; 1 Samuel 16:13; Luke 1:35; Luke 4:18; Matthew 1:20; Matthew 3:16; John 1:14; John 1:16; John 3:34. His arm extends help in every hour of need, as pledged to every obedient believer, Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 13:19; Hebrews 13:5; as surely as it was to David, 1 Samuel 18:12; 1 Samuel 18:14; 2 Samuel 5:10; Psalms 80:17.

Verses 22, 23 vowed that the enemy of God’s chosen should not be permitted to exact on him or afflict him unexpectedly. For the Lord pledged to bear down his foes before his (Israel’s) face and plague those who hated Him, Genesis 12:1-3; 2 Samuel 7:10.

Verses 24, 25 pledge that the Lord would set His mercy and faithfulness with David, His seed, and His people Israel to be exalted in His name, even thru the great horn (glory) of David’s kingdom, and seed, Psalms 61:7.

Verse 25 encompasses the Davidic covenant to reach in his reign over all’ the territory of the Abrahamic land-grant-covenant, from the Sea (Mediterranean) to the river Euphrates to the east and the river of Egypt to the south of Israel, Genesis 15:18; 2 Chronicles 9:26; Psalms 72:8 indicates that in Christ, David’s seed, it would cover the earth.

Verses 26, 27 prophesy that, "He shall cry unto me," "my Father," "my God," and the "rock of my salvation," all of which, God the Father was to Jesus Christ, His Son-Messiah, 2 Samuel 7:14; John 5:17. Jesus was the first born and only begotten of the Father, from His first born seed, called out of Egypt in Israel, Exodus 4:22; Psalms 2:7; Colossians 1:15; Colossians 1:18. He pledged to make Him "higher than (exalted over, above) the kings of the earth," even to His own right hand, Psalms 72:11; Deuteronomy 28:1; Numbers 24:7; Isaiah 9:6-7.

Verse 28 covenants that God’s mercy will be kept, and His covenant kept, made to stand fast (secure) with David and his seed forever, even in Jesus Christ, Isaiah 55:3; John 10:27-29; Luke 1:31-34.

Verse 29 affirms "His seed also will I make to endure forever," in perpetuity, without cessation; and his throne as the days of heaven, as also stated, Isaiah 9:7; Jeremiah 33:17; Revelation 22:1; Deuteronomy 11:21.

Verses 30-32 sternly warn, much as Deuteronomy ch. 28, 29 of the Law did: "H his children (David’s seed) forsake (desert) my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break (profane) my statutes, and keep (guard) not my commandments," as set forth 2 Samuel 7; 2 Samuel 14; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalms 132:12; Jeremiah 9:13.

Verses 33-37 certify that God’s loving kindness would not be utterly or completely taken either from David, Israel, His seed, or from any believer, though each might sometime fall and fail, even as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and every believer; For eternal redemption is sure for every believer, chastisement is sure to each who falls, as He calls them back to service with loving strokes that are not enjoyed, but profitable to those who are exercised thereby, or respond thereto before chastened by untimely death, to be saved, "as if by fire," having left no, or little fruit of service to honor the master, Hebrews 12:5-12; 1 Corinthians 11:27-34. God, who can not lie, swore to David, and never altered His pledge, that his seed would endure forever, and "his throne as the sun before Him," Amos 4:2; John 12:34; Luke 1:33; Romans 3:3-4.
Verse 37 recertifies that that throne of David (in Christ) shall be established forever, as the moon, as a faithful witness in heaven, Psalms 72:5; Psalms 72:7; Jeremiah 31:35; Job 16:19; Hebrews 6:17-19.

Verses 38-52

A Contrast of States ...

Plea For Remembrance

Scripture v. 38-52:

Verses 38-40 lament that in spite of God’s integrity of keeping His covenant with Israel to preserve her forever, He had now cast her off, become wroth with and abhorred her as His anointed. He had made void the covenant of His servant David and cast His crown to the ground in humiliation, to be trampled for a time by the heathen; But not without warning; He had broken down all Israel’s hedges and caused all his strong holds to lay in ruin, for his and Israel’s sins, Psalms 74:7; Psalms 74:14; Psalms 3:3; Isaiah 25:12; Isaiah 43:28; La 5:16.

Verse 41 states that "all that pass by the way spoil him; He is a reproach to his neighbors," unable to defend himself, deserted of God’s protecting hand, left open to the chastening hand of the heathen on every hand, Deuteronomy 28:37; Nehemiah 5:9; Psalms 74:10; Psalms 79:4; Ezekiel 5:14; Daniel 9:16.

Verses 42, 43 relate that God had set up and strengthened the hand of David’s adversaries and made his enemies to rejoice. He had also turned to defeat the sword of David and not caused him to stand up successfully in battle, because he had turned away from God, as the anointed of Israel, 2 Samuel 1:22. He and Israel are despised as the people of the covenant in a fallen state, Psalms 80:6.

Verses 44, 45 declare "thou hast made his glory or splendor to cease and cast his throne down to the ground," in humiliation, to both Egypt and Babylon, 2 Chronicles 35:22-25; 2 Chronicles 36:1-4.
Verse 45 states "the days of his youth (youthful vigor) hast thou shortened: Thou hast covered him with shame, Selah." This seems to refer to his becoming prematurely old in strength. ft is in the house of David that the Messiah will," return to the days of his youth," Job 33:25; Ezekiel 16:60; Hosea 2:15; See also 1 Samuel 4:21; 1 Kings 12:16; 1 Kings 12:20; 1 Kings 14:25; La 4:1.

Verse 46 laments "How long, Lord? Wilt thou hide thyself (from deliverance) forever? Shall thy wrath burn like fire?" This is the cry of afflicted David and Israel under God’s chastisement for their disobedience as forewarned Deuteronomy ch. 29; Psalms 79:5.

Verse 47, 48 appeal "remember how short my time is: Wherefore has thou made all men in vain? David laments the brevity of life at best, especially under God’s chastening hand, Psalms 90:10.
Verse 48 asks rhetorically "no man lives who shall not see death, does he? He (none) shall deliver (liberate) his .soul from the hand (power) of the grave, shall he? Selah." The answer is "no," Ecclesiastes 9:5; Hebrews 9:27. See also Job 7:7; Job 10:9; Job 14:1; Psalms 39:5; Psalms 119:84.

Verse 49 Inquires "Lord where are thy former lovingkindnesses, which thou swarest unto David in thy truth?" Psalms 54:5. David longed to see God scatter, disperse his enemies again, as a pledge of His covenant faithfulness.

Verses 50, 51 call on the Lord to call to remembrance the burden of repeated waves of reproaches and oppressions Israel had suffered from the hostile heathen bands of marauders from the Chaldeans, Syrians, Ammonites, and Moabites; Though they were the Lord’s anointed, covenant people. David longed for God to come to their rescue from bitter chastening they had endured, v. 44; 2 Kings 24:2; Hebrews 12:5-11.

Verse 52 concludes "Blessed be the Lord for evermore. Amen, and Amen." Meaning so may it ever be, Psalms 41:13. Thus closes the third book of psalms with a doxology, similar to that of the other two.


1) The first book contains the Davidic Jehovah Psalms.

2) The second book contains the Elohim Psalms of the singers of David, a) the sons of Korah, b) of Asaph Psalms 1; then c) His own Elohim psalms.

3) The third book is the Jehovah Psalms of his singers, a) Asaph, Psalms 73-83; ’b) the sons of Korah, Psalms 84-89. By Divine design the Elohim Psalms are enclosed by the Jehovah Psalms.

Bibliographical Information
Garner, Albert & Howes, J.C. "Commentary on Psalms 89". Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/ghb/psalms-89.html. 1985.
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