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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Ezekiel 44

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

the gate of the outward sanctuary = the outer gate of the sanctuary.

Verse 2

the LORD . Hebrew. Jehovah . App-4 .

man. Hebrew ' ish . App-14 . Therefore the prince of Ezekiel 44:3 is more than man: either the risen David, or the Messiah Himself'.

the God of Israel . See note on Isaiah 29:23 ,

God . Hebrew. Elohim , App-4 .

Verse 3

It is for the prince ; the prince. Hebrew The Prince: as prince: i.e. the risen David, the vice-regent of the Messiah (Ezekiel 34:23 , Ezekiel 34:24 ; Ezekiel 37:24 , Ezekiel 37:25 ); or, the Messiah Himself. See note on "man", Ezekiel 44:2 .

Verse 4

behold. Figure of speech Asterismos . App-6 .

Verse 5

Hon of man. See note on Ezekiel 2:1 .

mark well = set thine heart.

ordinances = statutes.

laws. Heb, text "law"; but margin and some codices, with four early printed editions, read "laws".

entering in = entrance.

going forth = outgoings.

Verse 6

rebellious . Hebrew rebellion, put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6 , for rebellious people.

the Lord GOD . Hebrew. Adonai Jehovah , See note on Ezekiel 2:4 .

Verse 7

strangers = aliens. Hebrew "sons of the foreigner "

uncircumcised in heart . Reference to Pentateuch, (Leviticus 26:41 .Deuteronomy 10:16; Deuteronomy 10:16 ), App-92 . Compare Jeremiah 9:25 , Jeremiah 9:26 .

pollute = profane.

offer = bring near.

the fat and the blood. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 3:16 , Leviticus 3:17 ). they. Most of the ancient versions read "ye".

Verse 8

ye have not kept, &c. See Ezekiel 40:46 , &c.

holy . See note on Exodus 3:5 .

yourselves : i.e. your own pleasure.

Verse 9

Thus saith, &c. This emphatic commencement is repeated in Ezekiel 45:9 , Ezekiel 45:18 ; Ezekiel 46:1 , Ezekiel 46:16 ; Ezekiel 47:13 . Compare Ezekiel 31:10 , Ezekiel 31:15 ; Ezekiel 43:18 .

stranger = foreigner.

children = sons.

Verse 10

the Levites. These are distinguished here from the priests (15-27); see S2 and S1, above and consult note on Ezekiel 43:19 ; and Deuteronomy 17:2 .

are gone away = went astray.

idols = dirty idols.

iniquity. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), App-6 , for the punishment due to it. Reif, 'avah . App-44 .

Verse 11

Yet. Refers to the portion of service reserved for these Levites.

for the People i.e. the Nation. See note on ordinances", Ezekiel 43:18 .

they shall stand. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 10:8 ). App-92 . Compare Ezekiel 44:15 and Numbers 16:9 .

Verse 12

caused , &c, = were to the house of Israel for s stumblingblock of iniquity.

saith the Lord GOD = [is] Adonai Jehovah's oracle.

Verse 13

not come near unto Me . This is to be the punishment in the coming future order.

a priest. See note on Ezekiel 43:19 .

most holy place = holy of holies.

Verse 17

they shall be clothed , &c. Reference to Pentateuch, (Exodus 28:42 ). App-92 .

within = toward [the house].

Verse 18

bonnets = head = dresses, or turbans. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 39:28 ). App-92 . Compare Ezekiel 24:1 .Isaiah 61:10 .

they. Some codices, with Aramaean, Septuagint, and Vulgate, read and they".

with, &c. Hebrew = "with sweat"; sweat being put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Effect), App-6 , for that which causes sweat.

Verse 19

utter = outer.

chambers = storerooms. Hebrew. lishkah . See note on Ezekiel 40:17 . Same word as Ezekiel 41:10 ; but not elsewhere in Ezekiel 41:0 .

and they shall. Hebrew text of some codices reads "they shall"; and margin "and shall". Compare Ezekiel 42:14 .

Verse 20

Neither shall they , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 21:5 ). App-92 .

only poll = surely clip.

Verse 21

Neither shall any , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 10:9 ).

wine . Hebrew. yayin . See App-27 .

when , &c. They might do so at other times.

Verse 22

Neither shall they , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 21:14 ). App-92 .

Verse 23

And they shall teach , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 10:11 ). App-92 .

profane = common.

them. The 1611 edition of the Authorized Version reads "men".

Verse 24

And in controversy , do. Ref to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 17:9 ). App-92 .

controverey = strife.

assemblies = appointed seasons.

they shall hallow , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 19:30 ),

Verse 25

And they shall come , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 21:1 ). App-92 .

person = human being. Hebrew ' adam . App-14 .

for brother . Some codices. with one early printed edition, read "or for", completing the Figure of speech Paradiastole ( App-6 ).

Verse 26

And after he is cleansed. seven days . Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 6:10 , "on the eighth day "). App-92 .

Verse 27

in the day . See App-18 .

sin offering . App-43 .

Verse 28

I am their inheritance . Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 18:20 . Deuteronomy 10:9 ; Deuteronomy 18:1 , Deuteronomy 18:2 ). App-92 .

Verse 29

every dedicated thing , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 18:14 . A verbal reference. App-92 .

Verse 30

first of all, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 13:2 ; Exodus 22:29 , Exodus 22:30 ; Exodus 23:19 . Numbers 3:13 ; Numbers 18:12 , Numbers 18:13 ).

oblation = heave offering. Hebrew. terumah . See note on Exodus 29:27 . The word is often repeated here. See Ezekiel 45:6 , Ezekiel 45:7 , Ezekiel 45:13 , Ezekiel 45:16 ; Ezekiel 48:8-10 , Ezekiel 48:12 , Ezekiel 48:18 , Ezekiel 48:20 , Ezekiel 48:21 .

the first of your dough . Reference to Pentateuch (Numbers 15:20 ).

Verse 31

dead of itself , &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 22:8 ).

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Ezekiel 44". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/ezekiel-44.html. 1909-1922.
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